Log in to High-rise Training
Is this your first time here?
This website is not open to the general public. If you have not been referred to this site by your floor warden, fire safety director or building management, please ensure that your building is an active member of this site before creating a user account. To create a user account you will need the street address of the building you will be taking the course for, a valid email address and a "enrollment key” issued to you by your floor warden, fire safety director or building management.
For assistance call (888) 611-7751 x1.
Here are the steps for creating a new account:
1. Fill out the New Account form.
2. You will be send an email to the email account provided
NOTE: If you do not receive the email with 5 minutes CHECK YOUR SPAM/JUNK MAIL FOLDER. If the email is not in your spam folder please call our help desk so they will finish enrolling you manually.
3. Read your email, and click on the web link it contains.
4. Your account will be confirmed and you will be logged in.
5. Now, select the address for your building and then the course you want to participate in.
6. When prompted for an "enrollment key" - use the one issued to you by your Floor Warden or Fire Safety Director. This will "enroll" you in to the course.